Laura Watson

Contact Details:



Instagram: @lauracaptured

The Landscape Wants Nothing From Me

This project explores my emotional connection with the landscapes that surround me, showing these environments as a constant in an ever-changing world. Through the practice of walking, I cultivate an appreciation of my surroundings in a way which allows a deeper connection to place in an attempt to find spaces of tranquillity. The photographic results of this practice will take the viewer on a journey of the continuous search for peace. In these landscapes I feel a liberation from the societal expectations of a frantic urban landscape driven by consumerism. It acts as an escape from the constant materialistic need of an urban environment. Society wants too much from me. The landscape wants nothing from me. When I am in these landscapes there is nothing lost, everything gained. My emotional state is calmer in these landscapes, removed from any global precarity; my personal anxieties about life dulled. My photographic book includes family archival imagery and acts as my emotional response to this journey of reconnecting with the outdoors and cultivating my relationship with it historically and within the present. When sequenced together, the individual locations of the images become transformed into a mythical imagined space ranging from rocks to wider landscapes, eyes always connecting. By travelling through both the landscape and the book at my pace, it allows the viewer to take their time with the images adding to the quiet yet poetic flow between the images.