Amy Stephens-Kippax

Home Away From Home 

Lockdown: March – July 2020. 

‘Home’ is the only place we were meant to be... 

Yet it became the last place I wanted to be. 

My room, those four walls, became a prison cell... 

The daily walks became a safe haven, a calling. 

A way to keep my sanity, stability and routine... 

In a time where uncertainty and chaos ruled supreme. 

 ‘Home Away From Home’ is an exploration into finding a place of solace in a time of uncertainty. A way in which to create a home, a safe space, outside of the four walls we typically call ‘home’ when we were meant to stay within those solid four walls. My project was based around the areas that surrounded me and became my safe space when the noise and chaos within my ‘home’ became overwhelming. Panoramas of wide open spaces that expand for what felt like miles and photographs of the paths I followed to create my routine.